The AsterEVO, automatic book sewing machine, is a compact solution that offers high performance, reliability, and several optional features to meet demanding bookbinders’ requirements.
With a running top speed of 12.000 cycles/h., asterEVO offers the highest construction standard and quality that ensure high productivity and a quick ROI.
The staggered stitch (available as an option) reduces thread build-up along the book spine by alternating the thread position. It is especially useful when sewing thick books printed on thin paper.
The unit features an extraordinary compact design, with a loading and unloading station only 1 meter apart and a footprint of just 4,3 sqm.
GigaLynx™ Dual Control is available upon request. The advanced vision system, located in the hopper, allows the reading of barcodes and images, and immediately identifies sequence errors allowing their correction. The position of the device is easily adjusted to allow the checking of signatures that differ only in a restricted area, like agendas.